Little Helps Cleaning & Housekeeping Services

The 7 s' of Little Helps
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Why Choose Us?

We are the best choice for you because we offer:

Expertise: We have years of experience in our industries and we know what it takes to keep our customers satisfied.

Quality: We only provide the highest quality.

Value: We offer our services at a fair price.

Satisfaction: We are committed to your satisfaction.

Trust: We are Fully Insured and DBS Checked.

At Little Helps, our mission is to provide you with that little bit of extra help you need so you can keep busy and not have to worry. Whether it be helping you with shopping, laundry and organising. A deep clean or a good old tidy round and spruce up! We're here for you. We can also help in caring for your pets on a busy working day. There's a lot we can help with and we love to get stuck in!

We want to help our community, we are all feeling the current pressure and we recognise the impact this is having on households around us, we really want to help and bring families back together by allowing you time to enjoy everything you work hard for.

Time is the only thing we can't get back, so our vision is to give you valuable time back, by taking a load off with the little helps you need.

Cleaning All Floors
Wiping/ Dusting All Surfaces
Straighten & Tidy Around
Kitchen & Bathroom Blitz
Folding/ Ironing Laundry
Dusting of Cobwebs & Photo Frames
Full Sanitisation
Skirting Boards
Mirrors / Internal Windows
& MUCH More

Every Little Truly Helps